Academic Counseling Law and Legal Definition
Academic Counseling is an assistance program that helps students acquire more effective and efficient study skills. Student academic counselors conduct group workshops and individual sessions with students. Students at U.S. universities and colleges are usually required to converse with an academic counselor or advisor one on one on a regular basis. Generally, the counselor or advisor is a member of a college faculty who helps and advises students solely on academic matters. These counselors or advisors help the students to plan their academic calendars, and ensure that the students are taking the classes they need to graduate.
Many traditional and returning students experience academic difficulties of some kind during their college years. Students can meet individually with a counselor to discuss their academic difficulties and learn strategies to help them become better in studies. The academic counseling complements services provided by departmental advisors. Academic counselor’s address issues including semester withdrawal requests, alternative readmission evaluations, poor grades, test anxiety, learning disabilities, dissertation support, and study skills. Often advisors offer workshops on a variety of academic topics.