Accountable Rail Equipment Accident Law and Legal Definition
According to 49 CFR 225.5 [Title 49 – Transportation; Subtitle B -- Other Regulations Relating to Transportation; Chapter II -- Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation; Part 225 -- Railroad Accidents/Incidents: Reports Classification, and Investigations], accountable rail equipment accident/incident means “any event not otherwise reportable, involving the operation of on-track equipment that causes physical damage to either the on-track equipment or the track upon which such equipment was operated and that requires the removal or repair of rail equipment from the track before any rail operations over the track can continue. An accountable rail equipment accident/incident, if not tended to, thus would disrupt railroad service. Examples of "disruption of service" would include: loss of main track; one or more derailed wheels; any train failing to arrive or depart at its scheduled time; one or more cars or locomotives taken out of service; or rerouting trains due to a damaged car or locomotive.”