Adjuster Law and Legal Definition
An adjuster is a person appointed or employed to settle or arrange matters that are in dispute. For instance, an employee of an insurance company or an adjustment firm employed by an insurance company to investigate and assess the damage to Property is an adjuster. An insurance adjuster determines the extent of the insurance company's liability when a claim is submitted. A public adjuster is a self-employed person who is hired by litigants to determine or settle the amount of a claim or debt.
Adjusters have to perform a number of functions. An adjuster has to investigate, analyze, and determine the extent of insurance company's liability concerning personal, casualty, or Property loss or damages, and attempt to effect settlement with claimants. The adjuster also corresponds with medical specialists, agents, witnesses, or claimants to compile information. He/she has a duty to calculate benefit payments and approve payment of claims within a certain monetary limit. Finally, an adjuster analyzes information gathered by investigation and report findings and recommendations.