Administrative Judge Law and Legal Definition
According to 4 CFR 28.3 [Title 4 Accounts; Chapter I Government Accountability Office; Subchapter B General Procedures; Part 28 Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board; Procedures Applicable To Claims Concerning Employment Practices At The Government Accountability Office; Subpart A Purpose, General Definitions, And Jurisdiction], Administrative judge means "any individual designated by the Board to preside over a hearing conducted on matters within its jurisdiction. An administrative judge may be a member of the Board, an employee of the Board, or any individual qualified by experience or training to conduct a hearing who is appointed to do so by the Board. When a panel of members or the full Board is hearing a case, the Chair shall designate one of the members to exercise the responsibilities of the administrative judge in the proceedings."
Legal Definition list
- Administrative Instructions [Patents]
- Administrative Hearing
- Administrative Grievance
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]
- Administrative Function
- Administrative Judge
- Administrative Law Judge or ALJ
- Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
- Administrative Officer
- Administrative Offset