Administrative Takedown Funds [Transportation] Law and Legal Definition
According to 49 CFR 350.105 [Title 49 – Transportation; Subtitle B Other Regulations Relating to Transportation; Chapter III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation; Subchapter B Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; Part 350 Commercial Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program; Subpart A – General], Administrative Takedown Funds means “funds deducted by the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) each fiscal year from the amount made available for the MCSAP (Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program) for expenses incurred in the administration of the MCSAP, including expenses to train State and local government employees.”
Legal Definition list
- Administrative Takedown Funds [Transportation]
- Administrative Support Services [Education]
- Administrative Subpoena
- Administrative Subpoena
- Administrative Subdivision of Funds
- Administrative Wage Garnishment
- Administrative Warrant
- Administrative Workweek
- Administrative-Control Rule
- Administratively Separate Unit
- Administrator