Affected Landowners Law and Legal Definition
According to 18 CFR 50.1 [Title 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources; Chapter I Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department Of Energy; Subchapter B -- Regulations Under the Federal Power Act; Part 50 Applications for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Facilities], affected landowners include owners of property interests, as noted in the most recent county/city tax records as receiving the tax notice, whose property:
(1) Is directly affected (i.e., crossed or used) by the proposed activity, including all facility sites, rights-of-way, access roads, staging areas, and temporary workspace; or
(2) Abuts either side of an existing right-of-way or facility site owned in fee by any utility company, or abuts the edge of a proposed facility site or right-of-way which runs along a property line in the area in which the facilities would be constructed, or contains a residence within 50 feet of a proposed construction work area.