Aggravated Damages Law and Legal Definition
Aggravated damages are the special and highly exceptional damages awarded on a defendant by a court, when his/her conduct amounts to tortious conduct subjecting the plaintiff to humiliating and malicious circumstances. Additional damages are also awarded in situations where a plaintiff is subjected to distress, embarrassment, or humiliation. Aggravated damages are basically compensatory in nature and they are awarded for the aggravated damage that is caused to a plaintiff. Aggravated damages are determined on the basis of the intangible injury inflicted on a plaintiff. Intangible injury includes the pain, anguish, grief, humiliation, wounded pride, damaged self-confidence or self-esteem, loss of faith in friends or colleagues, and similar matters that are caused by the conduct of a defendant. When compared to punitive damages aggravated damages require proof of injury. Aggravated damages can be attained as additional compensation if the injured establishes that a breach of contract caused mental distress.