Agreement Area Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 16 USCS § 972 (2), [Title 16. Conservation; Chapter 16B. Eastern Pacific Tuna Fishing] the term Agreement Area means “the area within a perimeter determined as follows: From the point on the mainland where the parallel of 40 degrees north latitude intersects the coast westward along the parallel of 40 degrees north latitude to 40 degrees north latitude by 125 degrees west longitude, thence southerly along the meridian of 125 degrees west longitude to 20 degrees north latitude by 125 degrees west longitude, thence easterly along the parallel of 20 degrees north latitude to 20 degrees north latitude by 120 degrees west longitude, thence southerly along the meridian of 120 degrees west longitude to 5 degrees north latitude by 120 degrees west longitude, thence easterly along the parallel of 5 degrees north latitude to 5 degrees north latitude by 110 degrees west longitude, thence southerly along the meridian of 110 degrees west longitude to 10 degrees south latitude by 110 degrees west longitude, thence easterly along the parallel of 10 degrees south latitude to 10 degrees south latitude by 90 degrees west longitude, thence southerly along the meridian of 90 degrees west longitude to 30 degrees south latitude by 90 degrees west longitude, thence easterly along the parallel of 30 degrees south latitude to the point on the mainland where the parallel intersects the coast; but the Agreement Area does not include the zones within twelve nautical miles of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial sea is measured and the zones within two hundred nautical miles of the baselines of Coastal States not signatories to the Agreement, measured from the same baseline.”