Air Navigation Facility Law and Legal Definition
According to 49 USCS § 40102 [Title 49. Transportation; Subtitle VII. Aviation Programs; Part A. Air Commerce and Safety; Subpart I. General], air navigation facility means a facility used, available for use, or designed for use, in aid of air navigation, including
(A) a landing area;
(B) a light;
(C) apparatus or equipment for distributing weather information, signaling, radio-directional finding, or radio or other electromagnetic communication; and
(D) another structure or mechanism for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- 432d Air Expeditionary Wing [432 AEW]
- Accidents of Navigation
- Active Air Defense
- Active Military, Naval, or Air Service
- Adequate Airport [Aeronautics and Space]
- Advanced Nuclear Facility [Energy]
- Advanced Technology User Facility
- Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
- Agricultural Aircraft Operation
- Air Agency Certificate