Allied Health Professionals Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 42 USCS § 295p [Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare; Chapter 6a. The Public Health Service Administration and Miscellaneous Provisions Administration], the term allied health professionals means “a health professional (other than a registered nurse or physician assistant)--
(A) who has received a certificate, an associate's degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, a doctoral degree, or postbaccalaureate training, in a science relating to health care;
(B) who shares in the responsibility for the delivery of health care services or related services, including--
(i) services relating to the identification, evaluation, and prevention of disease and disorders;
(ii) dietary and nutrition services;
(iii) health promotion services;
(iv) rehabilitation services; or
(v) health systems management services; and
(C) who has not received a degree of doctor of medicine, a degree of doctor of osteopathy, a degree of doctor of dentistry or an equivalent degree, a degree of doctor of veterinary medicine or an equivalent degree, a degree of doctor of optometry or an equivalent degree, a degree of doctor of podiatric medicine or an equivalent degree, a degree of bachelor of science in pharmacy or an equivalent degree, a degree of doctor of pharmacy or an equivalent degree, a graduate degree in public health or an equivalent degree, a degree of doctor of chiropractic or an equivalent degree, a graduate degree in health administration or an equivalent degree, a doctoral degree in clinical psychology or an equivalent degree, or a degree in social work or an equivalent degree or a degree in counseling or an equivalent degree.”
Legal Definition list
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