Alternate Provision Law and Legal Definition
According to 48 CFR 2.101 (Title 48, Federal Acquisition Regulations System; Chapter 1, Federal Acquisition Regulation; Subchapter A, General; Part 2, Definitions of Words and Terms; Subpart 2.1, Definitions), alternate means “a substantive variation of a basic provision or clause prescribed for use in a defined circumstance. It adds wording to, deletes wording from, or substitutes specified wording for a portion of the basic provision or clause. The alternate version of a provision or clause is the basic provision or clause as changed by the addition, deletion, or substitution. “
Legal Definition list
- Alternate Postal Delivery
- Alternate Payee to Qualified Domestic Relations Order
- Alternate Payee [Internal Revenue]
- Alternate Non-Emergency Services Provider
- Alternate Legacy
- Alternate Provision
- Alternate Side Parking
- Alternate Trustee
- Alternate Valuation Method
- Alternative Contract
- Alternative Dispute Resolution