American FactFinder Law and Legal Definition
American Fact Finder is an electronic service that allows users to view, print, and download statistics about population, housing, industry, and business. It serves as an online system for the dissemination of U.S. Census Bureau data. The FactFinder offers prepackaged data products and user-selected data tables and maps from Census 2000, the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the 1997 and 2002 Economic Censuses, the Population Estimates Program, annual economic surveys and the American Community Survey. The system was formerly known as the Data Access and Dissemination System (DADS).
Basic Facts display two types of tables:
1. Quick Tables that focus on a few population or housing characteristics for a single geography. You can choose individual tables for the U.S., states, counties, cities and towns and American Indian Areas.
2. Geographic Comparison Tables that focus on a few population or housing characteristics for many related geographic areas. Each table shows multiple geographic areas in a list. You can choose individual tables for the U.S., states or counties.
Information related to geographic areas can be found in the Data Sets area of the FactFinder.
Legal Definition list
- American Experience Table of Mortality
- American Employer
- American Educational Research Association [AERA]
- American Depository Receipt
- American Depositary Receipt
- American FactFinder
- American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
- American Federation of Information Processing Societies
- American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial AFLCIO
- American Federation of Teachers [AFT]
- American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
Related Legal Terms
- Administration for Native Americans
- African Americans
- American 5-cent Coin Design Continuity Act of 2003
- American Academy of Actuaries [AAA]
- American Academy of Diplomacy
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences [AAFS]
- American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law [AAPL]
- American Arbitration Association
- American Association for Justice [AAJ]
- American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS]