American Probation and Parole Association Law and Legal Definition
The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) is an international association. It is composed of members from the United States, Canada, and other countries actively involved with probation, parole and community based corrections in the adult and juvenile sectors.
The APPA constitutes of agencies from local, state, and provincial levels. The association represents a strong, unified voice for the field of community corrections. The APPA receives funds from federal agencies and other private organizations in order to conduct research and training on various problems related to juvenile and criminal justice.
Legal Definition list
- American Petroleum Institute
- American National Standards Institute
- American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
- American Law Institute [ALI]
- American Land Title Association
- American Probation and Parole Association
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act [ARRA]
- American Red Cross
- American Rule
- American Society for International Law [ASIL]
- American Society for Testing Material
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