Areopagite Law and Legal Definition
Dionysius the Areopagite was the judge of the Areopagus who was converted to Christianity by the preaching of the St. Paul. It is believed that Areopagite belongs at the very earliest to the latter half of the fifth century, and that he was a native of Syria. Areopagite was thoroughly versed in the sacred books of the Old and New Testament. Areopagus is the earliest aristocratic council of ancient Athens.
Legal Definition list
- Areeda Turner Test
- Area-Rate Clause
- Area Vocational School [Education]
- Area Vocational Education School [Education]
- Area Studies [Education]
- Areopagite
- Arguendo
- Argumentative Instruction
- Argumentum Ab Auctoritate Fortissimum Est In Lege
- Argumentum Ab Impossibilii Plurimum Valet In Lege
- Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam