Articulation [Education] Law and Legal Definition
Articulation in the context of education refers to the process of comparing the content of courses transferred between post secondary institutions such as colleges and universities. This is also known as course articulation. Course articulation is the process by which one institution matches its courses or requirements to course work completed at another institution. Students use course articulation for assurance that the completed courses are not repeated at the institution to which they are transferring.
Articulation agreement is an agreement between a high school and a post secondary institution regarding the awarding of both secondary and post secondary credit for a dual enrollment course.[ 2010 Ga. ALS 390, 1]
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- 504 Plan [Education]
- Abrogation [Education]
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education]
- Academic Department [Education]
- Academic Field [Education]
- Accreditation (Education)
- Accredited Educational Institution
- Accrediting Agency [Education]
- ACG Scheduled Award [Education]
- Achievement-Based Education