Assets Classified Loss Law and Legal Definition
According to 12 CFR 325.2 [Title 12 -- Banks and Banking; Chapter III -- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Subchapter B -- Regulations and Statements of General Policy; Part 325 -- Capital Maintenance; Subpart A -- Minimum Capital Requirements], assets classified loss means:
“(1) When measured as of the date of examination of an insured depository institution, those assets that have been determined by an evaluation made by a state or federal examiner as of that date to be a loss; and
(2) When measured as of any other date, those assets:
(i) That have been determined --
(A) By an evaluation made by a state or federal examiner at the most recent examination of an insured depository institution to be a loss; or
(B) By evaluations made by the insured depository institution since its most recent examination to be a loss; and
(ii) That have not been charged off from the insured depository institution's books or collected.”