Association of Management Officials Law and Legal Definition
According to 5 CFR 550.301(Title 5 , Administrative Personnel; Chapter I, Office Of Personnel Management; Subchapter B, Civil Service Regulations; Part 550, Pay Administration (General); Subpart C, Allotments From Federal Employees; Definitions), the term “Association of Management Officials” means an association composed of either management officials and/or supervisors with which the agency has established official relationships.”
Legal Definition list
- Association of Legal Administrators
- Association of Forensic Quality Assurance Managers [AFQAM]
- Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators [AFDAA]
- Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Association of Agricultural Producers
- Association of Management Officials
- Association of National Estuary Programs
- Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials - International
- Association of Teacher Educators [ATE]
- Association Theory
- Assumable Mortgage