Authority to Request Records for a Law Enforcement Purpose Law and Legal Definition
According to 6 CFR 5.20 (Title 6, Homeland Security; Chapter 1, Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Secretary; Part 5, Disclosure of Records and Information; Subpart B, Privacy Act), the term “authority to request records for a law enforcement purpose’ means that “the head of a component or designee thereof is authorized to make written requests under subsection (b)(7) of the Privacy Act for records maintained by other agencies that are necessary to carry out an authorized law enforcement activity.”
Legal Definition list
- Authority
- Authoritative Position
- Authoritarianism
- Authorised Weight Limit [Aviation Law]
- Authored Opinion
- Authority to Request Records for a Law Enforcement Purpose
- Authorization
- Authorization (Health Care)
- Authorization Bill
- Authorization Card
- Authorization to Sell