Automated Export System Direct Law and Legal Definition
Automated Export System Direct means “a free Internet application supported by the Census Bureau that allows U.S. principal party’s in interest, their authorized agent, or the authorized agent of the foreign principal party in interest to transmit electronic export information through the Automated Export System via the Internet.” [15 CFR 30.1; Title 15 -- Commerce And Foreign Trade; Subtitle B -- Regulations Relating To Commerce And Foreign Trade; Chapter I -- Bureau Of The Census, Department Of Commerce; Part 30 -- Foreign Trade Regulations; Subpart A -- General Requirements]
Legal Definition list
- Automated Export System Applicant
- Automated Export System
- Automated Dispensing System [Food and Drugs]
- Automated Critical Asset Management System [ACAMS]
- Automated Commercial Systems
- Automated Export System Direct
- Automated Export System Downtime Filing Citation
- Automated Export System Participant Application
- Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements
- Automated External Defibrillators
- Automated Fingerprint Identification System
Related Legal Terms
- 9-1-1 System
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Actio Commodati Directa
- Active Solar System
- Actuarially Sound Retirement System
- Adaptive Ecosystem Management
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]
- Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
- Advance Directive
- Advance Directives (Health Care)