Available for Work Law and Legal Definition
According to 20 CFR 327.5 (Title 20, Employees' Benefits; Chapter II, Railroad Retirement Board; Subchapter C, Regulations under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act; Part 327, Available For Work), the term "Available For Work" means “(a) General definition. A claimant for unemployment benefits is available for work if he is willing and ready to work.
(b) Willing to work. A claimant is willing to work if he is willing to accept and perform for hire such work as is reasonably appropriate to his circumstances in view of factors such as:
(1) The current practices recognized by management and labor with respect to such work;
(2) The degree of risk involved to the claimant's health, safety, and morals;
(3) His physical fitness and prior training;
(4) His experience and prior earnings;
(5) His length of unemployment and prospects for obtaining work; and
(6) The distance of the work from his residence and from his most recent work.
(c) Ready to work. A claimant is ready to work if he:
(1) Is in a position to receive notice of work which he is willing to accept and perform, and
(2) Is prepared to be present with the customary equipment at the location of such work within the time usually allotted.
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