Bonneville Power Administration [BPA] Law and Legal Definition
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is a public service organization based in the Pacific Northwest. BPA was established by the act of Congress in 1937. The main object behind the establishment of BPA was to market electric power from the Bonneville Dam located on the Columbia River and to construct facilities necessary to transmit that power. As a result, BPA was designated by the Congress as the marketing agent for power from all of the Federally-owned hydroelectric projects in the Pacific Northwest. BPA is self-funding agency and covers its costs by selling its products and services at cost.
In general, the mission of BPA can be classified as threefold:
1. to ensure an adequate, efficient, economical and reliable power supply;
2. to develop a transmission system that is adequate to the task of integrating and transmitting power from federal and non-federal generating units; and
3. to mitigate Federal Columbia River Power System's impacts on fish and wildlife.
Legal Definition list
- Bonneville Power Administration [BPA]
- Boni Judicis Est Litis Dirimere; Et Interest Reipublicae Ut Sint Fines Litium
- Boni Judicis Est Judicium Sine Dilatione Mandare Executioni
- Boni Judicis Est Causas Litium Dirimere
- Boni Judicis Est Ampliare Justitiam
- Bonus Bill
- Bonus Pay
- Bonus Stock
- Bonus to Selling Agent (BTSA)
- Booby Trap Device
- Booby Traps
Related Legal Terms
- Abuses of Governmental Power Identified Under “Watergate”
- Administration Bill
- Administration Cum Testamento Annexo
- Administration De Bonis Non
- Administration De Bonis Non Cum Testamento Annexo
- Administration Durante Absentia
- Administration Durante Animi Vitio
- Administration Durante Corporis Aut Animi Vitio
- Administration Durante Minore Aetate
- Administration Expenses [Probate]