Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility Law and Legal Definition
According to 18 CFR 292.202 [Title 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources; Chapter I Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department Of Energy; Subchapter K Regulations Under The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978; Part 292 Regulations Under Sections 201 and 210 of The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 With Regard to Small Power Production and Cogeneration; Subpart B Qualifying Cogeneration and Small Power Production Facilities], bottoming-cycle cogeneration facility means a cogeneration facility in which the energy input to the system is first applied to a useful thermal energy application or process, and at least some of the reject heat emerging from the application or process is then used for power production.
Legal Definition list
- Bottom-Hole Agreement
- Bottler
- Bottled in Bond Act
- Bottled in Bond
- Both to Blame Clause
- Bottoming-Cycle Cogeneration Facility
- Bottomry
- Bottomry Bond
- Bouche of Court
- Bought Deal
- Boulevard Rule
Related Legal Terms
- Advanced Nuclear Facility [Energy]
- Advanced Technology User Facility
- Air Facility System
- Air Navigation Facility
- Air Navigation Facility Certificate
- Ammonium Nitrate Facility
- Application for a Deposit Facility [Banks & Banking]
- Aquaculture Facility
- Atomic Weapons Employer Facility
- Automobile Reinsurance Facility