Business Day Law and Legal Definition
A business day is a term used to compute time for deadlines in filing papers, making payments, deliveries, etc. The precise definition varies by area and entity. Typically a business day is Monday through Friday. Hours and excluded holidays vary, but typically the day covers the period from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The following is an example of a local school board's definition of business day:
* "BUSINESS DAY" means "Monday through Friday, except for federal or state holidays..." The term is used (1) under procedural safeguards, related to pre-hearing disclosure of evidence and evaluations (§300.509(a)(2) and (b)); and (2) in the discipline procedures (§§300.520(b) and 300.528(a)(1)). In addition, the phrase "business days (including any holiday that falls on a business day)" is used under §300.403(d)(1)(ii), related to parental placement of children in private schools if FAPE is at issue.