Cartway Law and Legal Definition
Generally cartway means a way or road for carts or vehicular traffic.
Pennsylvania statutes, TITLE 73, Trade And Commerce, Chapter 3. Explosives, Regulation Excavation and Demolition defines Cartway as follows
"CARTWAY" means that portion of a street which is improved by surfacing with permanent or semi permanent material and is intended for vehicular traffic.
A statute in Pennsylvania mentioning cartways
53 P.S. § 47001:Power to lay out, ordain and construct
Boroughs, with the consent and permit of the Sanitary Water Board, and of the Water and Power Resources Board, where requested, may lay out, ordain and construct sanitary sewers in streets and on public or private property, and may construct sewage treatment works on land owned or acquired for such purposes, and pay the costs and expenses thereof out of borough funds, or may assess the costs and expenses of sanitary sewers as herein provided. Sanitary sewers laid and constructed in streets may be located in the center of the street or on either side of the cartway or of the curb lines thereof in any street and may be for the service and use of properties on both sides of the street or on only one side of the street in which they are laid, as directed by the borough council, and the costs and expenses of such sanitary sewers may be assessed against properties benefited, accommodated or improved thereby regardless of the property line location, and regardless of whether any portion of a property so benefited, accommodated or improved shall physically abut upon such sanitary sewer. The term "sanitary sewer," as used in this article, shall mean and include a sewer used for receiving and collecting sewage matter and liquid waste from the inside of buildings and structures, and, in those boroughs where there shall be what is known as "combined sewers," receiving, in addition to such sewage and liquid waste from the inside of buildings and structures, storm, roof or surface drainage or any of them, the term "sanitary sewer," as used in this article, shall include such combined sewers.