Center for Mental Health Services Law and Legal Definition
The center for mental health services mainly intends to design national goals and establish national priorities for the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health. The center is headed by a director and some of the main duties performed by him/her are the following:
1) develop and coordinate federal prevention policies and programs and to assure increased focus on the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health;
2) develop improved methods of treating individuals with mental health problems and improved methods of assisting the families of such individuals;
3) provide technical assistance to public and private entities that are providers of mental health services. [42 USCS § 290bb-31]
Legal Definition list
- Center for Mediation and Conflict Resolution [USIP]
- Center for Independent Living
- Center for Health and Peacebuilding [USIP]
- Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [HUD]
- Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships [HUD]
- Center for Mental Health Services
- Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion [CNPP]
- Center for Policy Research in Education [CPRE]
- Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations [USIP]
- Center for Religion and Peacemaking [USIP]
- Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk [CRESPAR]
Related Legal Terms
- 1040 Form
- A Fortiori
- A Fortiori Argument
- Absent Uniformed Services Voter
- Abuses of Governmental Power Identified Under “Watergate”
- Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding [USIP]
- Accelerated Benefits (Health Care)
- Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual
- Acceptance for Value
- Access to Classified Information (Military)