Central, Western, and South Pacific Fisheries Development Act Law and Legal Definition
The Central, Western, and South Pacific Fisheries Development Act (“Act”) is a federal legislation of the U.S. that authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a program for the development of tuna and other latent fisheries resources of the Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean. The provisions of the Act are found under 16 USCS §§ 758e-758e-5. The Act has been amended several times since its enactment in 1972.
The Fisheries Development Program must include: exploration for, and stock assessment of, tuna and other fish; improvement of harvesting techniques; gear development; biological resource monitoring; an economic evaluation of the potential for tuna and other fisheries in the area. The Secretary can conduct this program directly or by contract with the Pacific Fisheries Development Foundation or other agency or organization.
Legal Definition list
- Central Security Service [CSS]
- Central Repository [Criminal Law]
- Central Registration Agent
- Central Processor [Education]
- Central Nonprofit Agency
- Central, Western, and South Pacific Fisheries Development Act
- Central, Western, and South Pacific Ocean
- Centralized Administrative Offset
- Centralized Examination Station
- Centralized Services
- Centrally Fueled
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- 707b Action
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- Abactor
- Abandon