Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System Law and Legal Definition
The Center for Children and Families in the Justice System is a non-profit social service agency that helps children and families involved with the justice system. Beneficiaries of the center include victims of crime, witnesses of crime, parties in custody disputes, subjects of child protection proceedings, litigants in civil suits for compensation, teenagers in therapeutic care settings, or youthful offenders.
The services of the center include;
a. offering an opinion to the Court about issues such as where the children should live, with whom, and under what conditions;
b. helping children and adolescents called to testify as victims or witnesses in criminal court, usually in cases of physical or sexual abuse, peer assaults or domestic violence;
c. assisting the courts through assessment, consultation or expert testimony in criminal and civil cases;
d. providing on-site training and public speaking; and
e. identifying and supporting the mental health needs of youth charged with a criminal offense in youth court.