Children with Severe Disabilities Law and Legal Definition
According to 34 CFR 222.80 [Title 34 – Education; Subtitle B -- Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education; Chapter II -- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education; Part 222 -- Impact Aid Programs; Subpart F -- Payments to Local Educational Agencies for Children with Severe Disabilities under Section 8003(G) of the Act], the term children with severe disabilities means “children with disabilities who because of the intensity of their physical, mental, or emotional problems need highly specialized education, social, psychological, and medical services in order to maximize their full potential for useful and meaningful participation in society and for self-fulfillment. The term includes those children with disabilities with severe emotional disturbance (including schizophrenia), autism, severe and profound mental retardation, and those who have two or more serious disabilities such as deaf-blindness, mental retardation and blindness, and cerebral-palsy and deafness.”
Legal Definition list
- Children with Disabilities
- Children of All Nations [CAN]
- Children from Families with Incomes below the Poverty Line [Education]
- Children and Youth Exposed to Violence Grant Program [Department of Justice]
- Children
- Children with Severe Disabilities
- Children with Specific Learning Disabilities
- Children's Bureau
- Children's Health Act
- Children's Services [Education]
- Children's Trust
Related Legal Terms
- 4 Years with a One Year Cliff
- Administration for Children and Families
- Administration on Children, Youth, and Families
- Administration on Developmental Disabilities
- Administrator with Will Annexed
- Adult Child With a Disability
- Adult With a Special Need
- Agency Coupled with an Interest
- Aid to Families With Dependent Children AFDC
- Americans with Disabilities Act