Cluster Zoning Law and Legal Definition
Cluster zoning is a type of zoning in which density is determined for an entire area, rather than on a lot-by-lot basis. Within the cluster zone, the developer has greater flexibility in designing and placing structures. The overall density requirement should be met by the developer. Developments in cluster zoning often incorporate open, common areas with park-like settings.
Cluster zoning specifies housing density for an entire area overall. Hence a developer is free to use some space for high-density housing such as apartments or garden homes. The other space can be used for low-density estate-sized lots. Cluster zoning is a type of smart zoning which is in contrast with traditional zoning ordinances that specify the same density for each and every lot within an area.
Cluster zoning permits residential properties to be clustered closely together than normally allowed. This leaves substantial land area to be devoted to open space.
This is also referred to as density zoning.