Coastal Waters Law and Legal Definition
According to 33 USCS § 2601 (2), the term coastal waters means--
“(A) the territorial sea of the United States;
(B) the Great Lakes and their connecting waters;
(C) the marine and estuarine waters of the United States up to the head of tidal influence; and
(D) the Exclusive Economic Zone as established by Presidential Proclamation Number 5030, dated March 10, 1983 [16 USCS § 1453 note].”
Legal Definition list
- Coastal Water Quality Monitoring
- Coastal Water Quality
- Coastal Trading
- Coastal State
- Coastal Resource of National Significance
- Coastal Waters
- Coastal Wetlands Conservation Project
- Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act
- Coastal Wetlands Restoration Project
- Coastal Zone
- Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972