Cogitationis Poenam Nemo Patitur Law and Legal Definition
Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur means that “no one suffers punishment for mere intent.” No one is punished for merely thinking of a crime. However, if a crime is followed up by some act both the action and intention is punishable. If the act does not happen and there is a mere attempt, the attempt to commit the crime is also punishable. General rule is that, when an act is criminal, the intention is also criminal. However, intention alone without any action according to the intention is not punishable.
Legal Definition list
- Cogent
- Cogeneration Facility
- Cogeneration
- Coercive Proceedings
- Coercive Diplomacy
- Cogitationis Poenam Nemo Patitur
- Cognate Offense
- Cognation
- Cognatus
- Cognitio
- Cognition
Related Legal Terms
- Accusare Nemo Se Debet Nisi Coram Deo
- Duplicationem Possibilitatis Lex Non Patitur
- Ibi Esse Poenam, Ubi Et Nox Est
- Nemo Ad Littus Maris Accedere Prohibetur
- Nemo Allegans Suam Tupitudinem Audiendus Est
- Nemo Cogi Potest Praecise Ad Factum, Sed In Id Tantum Quod Interest
- Nemo Contra Factum Suum Venire Potest
- Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet
- Nemo Debet Bis Vexari Si Constat Curiae Quod Sit Pro Una Et Eadem Causa
- Nemo Debet Esse Judex In Propria Causa