Combined Wage Claim Law and Legal Definition
Combined wage claim is a claim relating to unemployment insurance. It can be filed by a claimant who has earned wage credits in two or more states if it provides benefits for which s/he could not otherwise qualify or will increase the benefits for which s/he qualifies in a single state. There are state specific rules regarding this.
The following is an example of a state statute (Utah) on combined wage claim:
(1) Any unemployed individual who has had covered employment in two or more states may file a combined wage claim unless:
(a) he has established a claim under any other state;
(b) the benefit year has not ended;
(c) and there are still unused benefit rights.
(2) Unused Benefit Rights.
A claimant will not be considered to have unused benefit rights on a prior claim if:
(a) all benefits have been exhausted, or
(b) benefits have been denied by a seasonal restriction, or
(c) benefits have been postponed for an indefinite period or for the remainder of the benefit year. A disqualification imposed because a claimant is not able to work or available for work is not considered a denial of a claimant's benefit rights. [U.A.C. R994-106-103]