Commercial Loan Underwriting Law and Legal Definition
Commercial loan underwriting is the process of determining the risks involved in a particular loan and establishing suitable terms and conditions for the loan. Cash flow is paramount to underwriting commercial loans. The borrower’s personal and business credit worthiness is also important and will be heavily scrutinized.
Legal Definition list
- Commercial Litigation Branch of the Department of Justice
- Commercial Leverage Account
- Commercial Letter of Credit
- Commercial Lending Company
- Commercial Lender
- Commercial Loan Underwriting
- Commercial Mobile Alert System
- Commercial Motor Vehicle
- Commercial Nuclear Power Reactor
- Commercial Operations Advisory Committee
- Commercial Operator [Aeronautics and Space]
Related Legal Terms
- A Commercial Trade
- Acquisition and Improvement Loan [Veterans' Relief]
- Acquisition Loan [HUD]
- Acquisition, Development and Construction (ADC) Loan
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan
- Adjusted Underwriting Profit
- Administrative Cost of Issuing a Loan Guarantee
- Advanced Life Underwriting
- Air Loan
- Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses