Comparable Replacement Dwelling Law and Legal Definition
According to 42 USCS § 4601 [Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare; Chapter 61. Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs; General Provisions], the term "comparable replacement dwelling" means any dwelling that is (A) decent, safe, and sanitary; (B) adequate in size to accommodate the occupants; (C) within the financial means of the displaced person; (D) functionally equivalent; (E) in an area not subject to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions; and (F) in a location generally not less desirable than the location of the displaced person's dwelling with respect to public utilities, facilities, services, and the displaced person's place of employment.
Legal Definition list
- Comparable Rectitude
- Comparable Profit Method (CPM)
- Comparable Pay Band [Administrative Personnel]
- Comparable Accommodation [Rent Control]
- Comparability Analysis
- Comparable Replacement Dwelling
- Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) Method
- Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction (CUT) Method
- Comparable Worth
- Comparatio Literarum
- Comparative
Related Legal Terms
- Comparable Accommodation [Rent Control]
- Comparable Pay Band [Administrative Personnel]
- Comparable Profit Method (CPM)
- Comparable Rectitude
- Comparable Uncontrolled Price (CUP) Method
- Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction (CUT) Method
- Comparable Worth
- Covered Multifamily Dwellings [HUD]
- Depreciated Replacement Costs
- Dwelling