Concession Contract Law and Legal Definition
According to 36 CFR 51.3 [Title 36 -- Parks, Forests, And Public Property; Chapter I -- National Park Service, Department of The Interior; Part 51 -- Concession Contracts; Subpart B -- General Definitions], concession contract means “a binding written agreement between the Director and a concessioner entered under the authority of this part or the 1965 Act that authorizes the concessioner to provide certain visitor services within a park area under specified terms and conditions. Concession contracts are not contracts within the meaning of the Contract Disputes Act, and are not service or procurement contracts within the meaning of statutes, regulations or policies that apply only to federal service contracts or other types of federal procurement actions. Concession contracts will contain such terms and conditions as are required by this part or law and as are otherwise appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of this part and the 1998 Act.