Confirm Title Law and Legal Definition
Title is the sum total of legally recognized rights to the possession and ownership of property. In the case of real property, an action to quiet title, sometimes refered to as an action to "confirm title" may be brought to affirm ownership of the property when others claim an interest in such property. This is often seen in relation to back tax liens or liens or easements (rights of way) on the property.
Legal Definition list
- Confined
- Configuration Management Control Plan
- Configuration Management [Energy]
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Confidentiality
- Confirm Title
- Confirmatio Est Nulla, Ubi Donum Praecedens Est Invalidum
- Confirmatio Omnes Supplet Defectus, Licet Id Quod Actum Est Ab Initio Non Valuit
- Confirmation
- Confirmation (Bankruptcy)
- Confirmation Bias