Connecting Factors Law and Legal Definition
In the conflict of law, connecting factors, are facts which tend to connect a transaction or occurrence with a particular law or jurisdiction. The following are the examples of connecting factors:
1.Domicile, residence, nationality or place of incorporation of the parties;
2. The place of conclusion or performance of the contract;
3.The place where the tort or delict was committed;
4.The flag or country of registry of the ship;
5.The ship owner’s base of operations.
Connecting factors are taken into consideration and weighed by courts and arbitrators,in determining the proper law to apply in deciding the case or dispute. In Zielinski v. Empresa Hondurena de Vapores, 113 F. Supp. 93 (D.N.Y. 1953), it was held that as to place of contract, the place of contract is not a substantial connecting factor in the choice between competing laws to govern a maritime tort.