Consumer Driven Health Care (CDHC) Law and Legal Definition
Consumer driven health care (CDHC) refers to a system of health care that allow members to use personal health savings accounts (HSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), medical savings account (MSA), health savings security account (HSSA), health care reimbursement account (HCRA) and customized sub-capitation plan (CSCP) to pay routine health care expenses directly. The health insurance plans under CDHC allows a consumer to route claims through a consumer controlled account instead of fixed health insurance benefit. This ensures the patients a greater control over their own health budgets.
Legal Definition list
- Consumer Driven Health Care (CDHC)
- Consumer Debtor
- Consumer Debt ( Bankruptcy)
- Consumer Credit Transaction
- Consumer Credit Sale
- Consumer Federation of America
- Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [CFPB]
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Goods or Services
- Consumer Information of Soybean or Soybean Products
Related Legal Terms
- Accelerated Benefits (Health Care)
- Accumulation Value (Health Care)
- Actual Age (Health Care)
- Actuarial Equivalent (Health Care)
- Acute Care
- Additional Health Services
- Adequate Parental Care
- Adequate Veterinary Care
- Admitting Privileges (Health Care)
- Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)