Consumer Fraud Law and Legal Definition
Consumer fraud refers to an act resulting in financial or other losses for consumers in the business transactions. The act where the use or employment by any person of any unfair commercial practice, deception, fraud, false promise, suppression, or omission of any material fact with an intention to sell or advertisement of any product by misleading the consumer is declared to be an unlawful practice. Consumer fraud can take place in person, by telephone or mail, or over the internet.
Legal Definition list
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [CFPB]
- Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
- Consumer Federation of America
- Consumer Driven Health Care (CDHC)
- Consumer Debtor
- Consumer Fraud
- Consumer Goods or Services
- Consumer Information of Soybean or Soybean Products
- Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division [Federal Communications Commission]
- Consumer Interest Expense
- Consumer Law