Continuous Automated Sampling System Law and Legal Definition
Continuous automated sampling system means “the total equipment and procedures for automated sample collection and sample recovery/analysis to determine a pollutant concentration or emission rate by collecting a single or multiple integrated sample(s) of the pollutant (or diluent gas) for subsequent on-or off-site analysis; integrated sample(s) collected are representative of the emissions for the sample time as specified by the applicable requirement.” [40 CFR 60.51b; Title 40 -Protection of Environment; Chapter I -Environmental Protection Agency; Subchapter C - Air Programs; Part 60-Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources]
Legal Definition list
- Continuity-of-Entity Doctrine
- Continuity of Residence
- Continuity of Business Enterprise
- Continuity
- Continuing-Jurisdiction Doctrine
- Continuous Automated Sampling System
- Continuous Easement
- Continuous Emission Monitoring System
- Continuous Inspection [Agricultural Marketing Service]
- Continuous Quotations
- Continuous Representation Doctrine
Related Legal Terms
- 9-1-1 System
- Accelerated Cost Recovery System
- Acceptance Sampling
- Active Solar System
- Actuarially Sound Retirement System
- Adaptive Ecosystem Management
- Administrative Governor [Federal Reserve System]
- Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
- Advanced Automobile Propulsion System
- Advanced Truck Stop Electrification System