Contra Formam Feoffamenti Law and Legal Definition
The Latin phrase contra formam feoffamenti means against the form of the feoffment. In English law, contra formam feoffamenti was a writ for a tenant who was infeoffed by the lord's charter to make certain suit and service to his court, and was afterwards distrained for more than was contained therein. It was a writ whereby a tenant could resist the demanded performance of more services than the charter of his ancestor required.
The following is an example of a case law referring to contra formam feoffamenti:
“If A exchange with B, and B aliens to C, who is evicted by title paramount, C shall not enter upon the others, for as the warranty runs in privity to the parties to the exchange and their heirs, so also the condition in law runs in privity, and doth not extend to the assignee, and so none shall have contra formam feoffamenti.” [Sawyers v. Cator, 27 Tenn. 256, 281 (Tenn. 1847)]