Contribution and Expenditure [Federal Elections] Law and Legal Definition
According to 11 CFR 114.1 (a) [Title 11 -- Federal Elections; Chapter I -- Federal Election Commission; Subchapter A – General; Part 114 -- Corporate and Labor Organization Activity],
(1) the terms contribution and expenditure shall include “any direct or indirect payment, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of money, or any services, or anything of value (except a loan of money by a State bank, a federally chartered depository institution (including a national bank) or a depository institution whose deposits and accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration, if such loan is made in accordance with 11 CFR 100.82(a) through (d)) to any candidate, political party or committee, organization, or any other person in connection with any election to any of the offices referred to in 11 CFR 114.2 (a) or (b) as applicable.”
(2) The terms contribution and expenditure shall not include --
(i) Communications by a corporation to its stockholders and executive or administrative personnel and their families or by a labor organization to its members and executive or administrative personnel, and their families, on any subject;
(ii) Registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns by a corporation aimed at its stockholders and executive or administrative personnel, and their families, or by a labor organization aimed at its members and executive or administrative personnel, and their families, as described in 11 CFR 114.3;
(iii) The establishment, administration, and solicitation of contributions to a separate segregated fund to be utilized for political purposes by a corporation, labor organization, membership organization, cooperative, or corporation without capital stock;
(iv) [Reserved]
(v) The sale of any food or beverage by a corporate vendor for use in a candidate's campaign or for use by a political committee of a political party at a charge less than the normal of comparable commercial rate, if the charge is at least equal to the costs of such food or beverage to the vendor, to the extent that: the aggregate value of such discount by the vendor on behalf of a single candidate does not exceed $ 1,000 with respect to any single election; and on behalf of all political committees of each political party does not exceed $ 2,000 in a calendar year.
(vi) The payment for legal or accounting services rendered to or on behalf of any political committee of a political party other than services attributable to activities which directly further the election of a designated candidate or candidates for Federal office if the corporation or labor organization paying for the services is the regular employer of the individual rendering the services. This exclusion shall not be applicable if additional employees are hired for the purpose of rendering services or if additional employees are hired in order to make regular employees available;
(vii) The payment for legal or accounting services rendered to or on behalf of an authorized committee of a candidate or any other political committee solely for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act or chapter 95 or 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 if the corporation or labor organization paying for the services is the regular employer of the individual rendering the services, but amounts paid or incurred for these services shall be reported in accordance with part 104. This exclusion shall not be applicable if additional employees are hired for the purpose of rendering services or if additional employees are hired in order to make regular employees available;
(viii) Activity permitted under 11 CFR 9008.9, 9008.52 and 9008.53 with respect to a presidential nominating convention;
(ix) Donations to a State or local party committee used for the purchase or construction of its office building are subject to 11 CFR 300.35. No exception applies to contributions or donations to a national party committee that are made or used for the purchase or construction of any office building or facility; or
(x) Any activity which is specifically permitted by part 114.”
Legal Definition list
- Contribution and Expenditure [Federal Elections]
- Contribution Analysis
- Contribution
- Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
- Contributed Services and Accommodations
- Contribution Base
- Contribution Clause
- Contribution Margin
- Contributione Facienda
- Contributory Fault Chargeable to the Claimant
- Contributory Infringement
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