Cooperative Education Law and Legal Definition
According to 20 USCS § 1161n [Title 20. Education; Chapter 28. Higher Education Resources and student assistance; additional programs; cooperative education], the term "cooperative education" means “the provision of alternating or parallel periods of academic study and public or private employment to give students work experiences related to their academic or occupational objectives and an opportunity to earn the funds necessary for continuing and completing their education.”
Legal Definition list
- Cooperative Course [Veterans' Relief]
- Cooperative Associations and Apartments
- Cooperative Association of Producers
- Cooperative Arrangement [Education]
- Cooperative Agreement Notice [Aeronautics and Space]
- Cooperative Education
- Cooperative Extension Services
- Cooperative Federalism
- Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act
- Cooperative Grant [Education]
- Cooperative Hospital Service Organizations
Related Legal Terms
- 504 Plan [Education]
- Abrogation [Education]
- Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) Program [Education]
- Academic Department [Education]
- Academic Field [Education]
- Accreditation (Education)
- Accredited Educational Institution
- Accrediting Agency [Education]
- ACG Scheduled Award [Education]
- Achievement-Based Education