Cost of Maintaining a Household Law and Legal Definition
The cost of maintaining a household means “the expenses incurred for the mutual benefit of the occupants thereof by reason of its operation as the principal place of abode of such occupants for such taxable year. The cost of maintaining a household shall not include expenses otherwise incurred. The expenses of maintaining a household include property taxes, mortgage interest, rent, utility charges, upkeep and repairs, property insurance, and food consumed on the premises. Such expenses do not include the cost of clothing, education, medical treatment, vacations, life insurance, and transportation. In addition, the cost of maintaining a household shall not include any amount which represents the value of services rendered in the household by the taxpayer or by a person qualifying the taxpayer as a head of a household or as a surviving spouse.” [26 CFR 1.2-2; Title 26-Internal Revenue; Chapter I-Internal Revenue Service, Department Of The Treasury; Subchapter A-Income Tax; Part 1-Income Taxes; Normal Taxes And Surtaxes; Determination Of Tax Liability; Tax On Individuals]