Covered Military Member Law and Legal Definition
Covered military member is a status given to National Guard or Reserves and in some cases a retired member of the Regular Armed Forces. A covered military member is the employee's spouse, son, daughter, or parent who is on active duty or call to active duty status. A person is said t be on active duty or call to active duty status when s/he is a member of the National Guard or Reserves who is under a federal call or order to active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation.
Legal Definition list
- Covered Loan
- Covered Legislative Branch Official
- Covered Institution
- Covered Flight Segment [Aeronautics and Space]
- Covered Fleet
- Covered Military Member
- Covered Multifamily Dwellings [HUD]
- Covered Noncareer Employee [Administrative Personnel]
- Covered Offshore Facility [Oil Spill]
- Covered Osteoporosis Drug
- Covered Pay Schedule
Related Legal Terms
- Acceptability (Military)
- Access to Classified Information (Military)
- Accidental Death and Dismemberment [Insurance]
- Accountability (Military)
- Active Military Duty For Training
- Active Military Service
- Active Military, Naval, or Air Service
- Adult Member of the Household
- After-Discovered Evidence
- Armored Car Crew Member