Covered United States Persons Law and Legal Definition
Pursuant to 22 USCS § 7432 (4) [Title 22. Foreign Relations and Intercourse; Chapter 81. International Criminal Court; American Servicemembers' Protection], the term covered United States persons means “members of the Armed Forces of the United States, elected or appointed officials of the United States Government, and other persons employed by or working on behalf of the United States Government, for so long as the United States is not a party to the International Criminal Court.”
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Accompanying the Armed Forces outside the United States
- Accompanying the Federal Government Outside the United States
- Administration of Estates
- Administrative Conference of the United States
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
- Affiliated Persons (Securities)
- After-Discovered Evidence
- Agency of the United States
- Ally of Enemy of the United States
- Average Monthly Number of Unemployed Persons