Cumulative Sum Sampling [Agriculture] Law and Legal Definition
According to 7 CFR 52.38a [Title 7—Agriculture; Subtitle B -- Regulations of The Department of Agriculture; Chapter I -- Agricultural Marketing Service H1 (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of Agriculture; Subchapter C -- Regulations and Standards under the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 and the Egg Products Inspection Act - Part 52 -- Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Processed Products Thereof, and Certain Other Processed Food Products H1; Subpart -- Regulations Governing Inspection and Certification; Sampling], Cumulative Sum Sampling (CuSum) Plan is “an on-line sampling plan that accumulates the number of defects (or defectives), which exceed the sample unit tolerance ("T"), in a series of consecutive samples. Terms specific to the CuSum sampling plan are:
(i) Acceptance limit ("L"). The maximum accumulation of defects (or defectives) allowed to exceed the sample unit tolerance ("T") in any sample unit or consecutive group of sample units.
(ii) CuSum value. The accumulated number of defects (or defectives) that exceed the sample unit tolerance ("T").
(iii) Sample unit tolerance ("T"). The allowable number of defects (or defectives) in any sample unit.
(iv) Starting value ("S"). The initial CuSum value used to begin a CuSum sampling plan.”