Customer Name Security Law and Legal Definition
"Customer name security" is defined as “security--
(A) held for the account of a customer on the date of the filing of the petition by or on behalf of the debtor;
(B) registered in such customer's name on such date or in the process of being so registered under instructions from the debtor; and
(C) not in a form transferable by delivery on such date.” (11 USCS § 741)
Legal Definition list
Related Legal Terms
- Abandoned Security Property [Agriculture]
- Access Control List [National Security]
- Access Control Mechanism [National Security]
- Accessible Space [National Security]
- Adverse Claim on Security
- Agricultural Biosecurity
- Alternate COMSEC Custodian [National Security]
- Alternative Security Program
- American Customer Satisfaction Index
- American Society of Industrial Security [ASIS]