Customs Duty Law and Legal Definition
According to 19 CFR 10.402 [Title 19 -- Customs Duties; Chapter I -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury; Part 10 -- Articles Conditionally Free, Subject to a Reduced Rate, Etc.; Subpart H -- United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement], customs duty includes any customs or import duty and a charge of any kind imposed in connection with the importation of a good, including any form of surtax or surcharge in connection with such importation, but, for purposes of implementing the US-CFTA (United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement), does not include any:
(1) Charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed consistently with Article III:2 of the GATT 1994; in respect of like, directly competitive, or substitutable goods of the Party, or in respect of goods from which the imported good has been manufactured or produced in whole or in part;
(2) Antidumping or countervailing duty; and
(3) Fee or other charge in connection with importation commensurate with the cost of services rendered.