Doubtful Title Law and Legal Definition
A doubtful title is a title that is not so free from doubt that a court will force a purchaser to take it pursuant to his/her contract. It is a title which the court consider as not to be so clear that it will enforce its acceptance by a purchaser, nor so defective as to declare it a bad title.
A doubtful title is a title which is open to reasonable doubt; it may or may not be a bad title. Such a title may expose the holding party to the risk of litigation with an adverse claimant.
The following is an example of a case law defining the term:
"Doubtful" Title Defined. A title is doubtful if it exposes the party holding it to the hazard of litigation. [McNutt v. Nellans, 82 Kan. 424 (Kan. 1910)].